Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We're home!

Sorry for the lack of blogging during the trip. We had no internet on the Hill, and we had very limited, expensive, and extremely slow internet at the resort. We typed up an entry at the resort and hit post but it wouldn't post... But now we're home and we're so excited to tell you all about our trip!

I'll start with the first day on the Hill. When we got there, all the kids from the school, and all the staff members and adults from the community came out to welcome us. I have never received such a warm welcome in my life. People were singing and cheering. The adults came up to each of us individually and shook our hands or hugged us. The whole group walked us up to the Children's Home and then we sat down with all the adults and were introduced to everyone and welcomed again. They kept telling us over and over "Karibu sana" (which means "welcome very much") and "feel at home." After the introductions, they brought in Nentaya, the girl we sponsor, and Edward, who the Huffmans sponsor. We got a "family picture" with the three of us and Nentaya.

Then several Maasai women walked us down the Hill to Joseph's house. Joseph is the director of the Children's Home. He and his wife Anna graciously opened their home to all 11 of us (plus 3 visitors from Kenyatta University, for 2 nights). So at one point, there were 14 visitors staying in Joseph & Anna's small house. They brought in bunk beds so we could all fit. They also gave us three home-cooked meals each day, and they were delicious! I was worried about liking the food, but I loved almost everything we ate. Joseph & Anna are the best hosts ever!

I could go on an on, but I'm going to stop there. We'll each post a few more times explaining what happened the rest of the week, and also what we saw on safari! We had an amazing trip and we're excited to share our experiences and stories with all of you! Stay tuned. :)


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the updates! So glad you are home safely. Tried to comment before but it wasn't posting. . . .
